Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm back! And more super then ever!

Hello true believers,

The Ursine Master is up and at them again. After a lengthy return to the World of Warcraft, and re-shelving of my account... I've been giving a new game a shot. Champions online. I'll go into more detail tommorow... but needless to say, the Ursine Master has taken a new turn for the side of "good"... his unreliable minions replaced by robotic creatures and his crude pistols replaced with a sonic blaster!
Aberrant New World of Darkness conversion has bit jumped into overdrive these last two months. My ultimate goal now is to make a published book of the rules including some new photoshoped graphics like the one to the right. Obviously due to copywright laws, it wont be a widly published rule set... can do print on demand with perfect binding and a full color cover... to which I can sell at cost to a few people who might want it.
Before I get to that stage, I'm going to have to heavily play test it first. My usual crew will probally start up again in January... I've also had some inquries from the bear community in the twin cities... and also some possible interest in the Madison Area, which last weekend I traveled down to to experience a tottally different LARP experience. Serenity: The Signal Wars.
So stay tuned as the Master gets back into the grove of writing again.

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